Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Waiting Game

Myles is not ready to come yet. We had our 39 week doctor appointment today and so far we are a no-go for launch. I am so eager to hold my little one, and I'm a little concerned my tailbone is going to snap off if the baby doesn't get off of it pretty soon! Anyhow, the doctor did set up a date to induce me in case Myles doesn't decide to come on his own before then. So, assuming I don't go into labor before then, it looks like July 10th is the deadline. While that seems FOREVER away, it would be a cool birthday for Myles to have because he would share it with his Grandpa Gary. :) But in the meantime, we are just playing the waiting game. Maybe he will come soon........

We've had a LOT of rain this week. Thunderstorms have hit most days this week, and a few days had multiple storms! In fact, yesterday the storms were so bad that a dam broke and the lake that Brent's mom lives on rose about 10 feet! YIKES! Their pontoon boat very nearly was at their back door! The picture below shows their boat when the water was still up WAY too high. About half of their deck stairs are underwater in this photo. Luckily, the lake has receded back a lot and is now almost back to normal. Thank goodness! Let's hope Mother Nature gives us a break for a little bit. I'm kinda over the storms for now!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wrapping up loose ends

With just a few short weeks to go before D-Day (delivery), I've been trying to get some things in order since I figure I won't have the energy to do much except newborn care here shortly. :)

We did finish our gardening project. I am really, really happy with how it turned out, and the plants seem to be doing very well, which is a feat in and of itself. :)

I've also been working on wrapping up sub plans for my maternity leave. It makes me very paranoid to have someone in my classroom for that long, especially at the beginning of the school year. I've realized that I definitely have some control issues with my classroom! Anyhow, hopefully I can get the finishing touches on my binder of materials, and I can put that out of my least for now!

We've also spent some time hanging out with friends, swimming, and otherwise enjoying ourselves. Not much left in the lazy days of summer, I guess. Better enjoy it while I can. As much as I want Myles here (NOW!), and as sore and achy as I am (and I AM!), I realize that things will never be as they are now, so I'm trying to concentrate on enjoying this last little stretch.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

37 weeks preggo

3 weeks to go! Nothing to report about when Myles is coming, but in somewhat related news, my cousin Cheryl had her baby today! Welcome Elliana! She and Myles will only be a couple of weeks apart, which is fun because Cheryl and I are only about 6 months apart in age.

Brent and I did some planting this week, with supervision from Mom. :) She is definitely in charge of the planning phase - Brent and I don't really know what we are doing! She chose beautiful flowers though, and we are very pleased with the results. We will be adding some creeping plox on the right (the hibiscus that is there in the picture isn't really part of the just happened to be there for the photo-op), but we are waiting for it to come in. I'll post a picture of that when we get that part planted.

In other news, we are enjoying our summer vacation and enjoying the last few weeks of it being just "Brent and Kara." It still seems crazy (but very exciting!) to think that pretty soon it will be "Brent and Kara and Myles" WOW....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Officially entering the world of blogging

As we are getting closer and closer to Myles' arrival, I decided I wanted to get something in place to update people with pictures and info about the tail end of my pregnancy and, more importantly, MYLES...when he gets here. :)
Hopefully this will be a good way to get stuff out to our loved ones. I hope I can keep it updated!

Sooo......update for today....I had my 36 week OB appointment today. (ONE MONTH TO GO!) Everything looks good and it seems like Myles has moved down into position for birth. That doesn't mean anything is imminent, but it does mean I now have to pee.....all the time. Thanks little dude. :) I go back to the doc next week...and every week from here on out.

On the subject of doctors...we will be meeting with two potential pediatricians next week. It feels strange to "interview" a doctor.... What am I supposed to ask?

Love to all,