Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ok, clearly I suck at updating this blog

Well....Myles is nearly 6 months old now and I'm just now getting around to updating again. WOW. I suck. In my defense, I have returned to work and have a very active little one on my hands!'s what's new...I am back at work and enjoying it, though I hate that it cuts my time short with Myles. Some evenings I only get like an hour or two with him before he goes to bed, which makes me sad. :( But right now we are on winter break, so I'm getting LOTS of Myles time, which I loooooove!

Developmentally he is doing really well. He rolls both front to back and back to front and he does it a LOT. He has also started using his legs to propel himself backward while he is laying on his back. We find this quite hilarious. :) He's really verbal now and "talks" all the time. He says "dada" a lot, but I'm not sure he knows what it means, but we like to think he does. :)

We started Myles on rice cereal this week and he is getting pretty good at figuring out how to eat from a spoon. We think peas or green beans might be around the corner! Pretty soon he'll be ready for steak! (That was a joke, by the way...)

Myles had a great first Christmas and really enjoyed all of attention he got. He got a lot a great gifts, including an AMAZING toy chest that my dad MADE for him! It's beautiful!

Our five year anniversary is tomorrow. I can't believe that Brent and I have been married for five years! Time has flown. I still feel like we are newlyweds. :) My mom has graciously agreed to come babysit so that we can have an overnight date, and this will be the first time we've been away from Myles overnight. I am both very very excited and very very nervous! I know he will have lots of fun with Mimi but hope she doesn't mind sending me a bazzilion picture messages of what he's doing. LOL

Well, here are some fun pictures of Myles from recent weeks. ENJOY!

Kara :)

Myles opening his Christmas gifts

Myles' new toy chest that Grandpa built for him

Myles playing with his new toy from Grandma Betty

Myles' 5 month photo

Family photo December 2010

Myles on his new toy chest

Myles trying rice cereal for the first time - kinda messy!

1 comment:

  1. SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! I think Lex was about 6 months old when we went for OUR first overnight away from him. Coincidentally, it was for OUR anniversary! Have fun, and congrats on 5 years!
