Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm a big kid now!

In the past few weeks Myles has taken some major strides toward being a "big boy." While I am very happy Myles is growing and becoming more and more independent, it also makes me kinda sad to see some of the baby things go by the wayside. :(
1 - Myles is no longer nursing. I guess I scared him by my reaction to him biting me, so he just decided he was done. We officially now have a formula fed baby.
2 - We had to lower the mattress on the crib. He was starting to grab and pull at the top rail. Uh oh!!!
3 - The swing had to be retired. One day he was reaching up at the mobile and then decided to hang his upper body off the side of the swing to get a better view. Uh....not ok. Bye bye swing.
4 - He's moved up to size 12 months clothes. Yup...he's not even quite 8 months and he's in 12 month clothes. He's tall. Thanks Grandpa Gary :)
5 - He's now had his first official (non-cold) illness. He had a stomach bug this week. Since he's been born, I've been wondering how I would know when spit-up isn't spit-up and is actually vomit. Now I know.
6 - Myles went on a few trips to the grocery store actually sitting in the cart instead of in his car seat. We bought a "cart doily," as Brent calls it, to cover the seat of the cart so he doesn't get the bubonic plague. The cover also has a harness to help him sit when he starts to tip.
7 - He's sitting really well and for much longer periods of time before wiping out.
8 - He can army crawl....kinda. He still prefers rolling as his mode of transportation.

Bittersweet. Love that boy....